Monday, May 20, 2013

The Laptop

So the other day Bentley and I were playing at Grandpa and Grandmas house. while sitting on Grandpa's lap Bentley kept wanting to play with the laptop. He went to town pushing on all the keys! the Next day I was working on the computer and all he wanted to do was slam his little hands all over the keyboard. Although it was very cute I was a little afraid he was going to delete something, e-mail someone, or turn everything to Spanish! So I had an idea... I had an old netbook that I never use so I decided to set it up and let him play "office assistant".  I mean, I LOVED playing that game, I was 12 but hey, that's  only because I didn't have a computer in my house until then;). Anyway that thing kept him more entertained then any of his toys and here's the pictures to prove it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you are too cute kido, and so smart!
