Tuesday, July 31, 2012

30,31, and 32 weeks!

Well with all this traveling I haven't been able to post anything, so here's a little update!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

29 Weeks!

Wow, I can't believe that on Saturday I will be 30 weeks, it just seems so unreal! This pregnancy has been so great. Although I definitely have back pain and some other uncomfortable side effects I've really enjoyed it! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Date Night: April, May, June, and July!

Ok, so I realized that I have not posted our monthly dates form our "Date Night Box" in forever! So here is a little update on that!

April:  Well Ryan and I didn't have a single day off together in April so, we still need to go and do the date but here is a picture of what was inside!

May: May was Ryan's Birthday so we did something that he has been bugging me about doing for the last year! It was actually really fun and although I could never eat enough to justify spending that much, I'm still glad we did it! For those of you who don't know what Rodizio grill is, it is a restaurant that does all you can eat.  They come to your table and carve off all different kinds of meat and they have an amazing salad bar.

June: Well the date was to go to the park but with this HOT weather we did the pool instead! Thankfully we have waterproof Uno cards so we were still able to play some cardgames! 

July: This was a very fun low-key date however, sleeping on an air mattress 7 months pregnant, not the most comfortable! We ordered Papa John's for dinner and opted for the healthier snack and did fruit instead of candy.  We rented Drive, which was not my favorite but the last movie we rented was the Vow so I can't complain:). 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

28 Weeks!

We are getting closer and closer and I'm starting to become a little more uncomfortable! I still love it but I sometimes feel like my belly is not keeping up with the growing baby inside of it and he is just going to bust through!! Other then that we are doing just fine and are definitely enjoying the pool in this hot weather!

The Nursery!

It is finally complete... well I still want to do a few things but I would say its 97% done;) Here are some pictures of the process.

So this was our office/guest room/ my walk-in-closet!
I wish I would have taken a picture before we started the whole
process because it really was a cute room!

don't worry I didn't do any of the painting, you know the fumes
are bad for the baby!;) I just like to stand around and look helpful!

Such an exciting moment, pulling off the tape to see the final outcome!

building the nightstand, I'm SO lucky that my husband is handy!!

I did help! See those beautiful knobs, yeah I did that!

one piece built three to go!


Building the crib

The curtain I made, I was very proud of myself!

The Final Product!