Friday, January 6, 2012

Envelope Date #1

Yesterday Ryan and I got to enjoy our first envelope date! It was so nice to be able to go out and do something without having to really plan it! We first went for a round of bowling. Which as to be expected, Ryan kicked my butt! Then we went for some amazing cupcakes!

I don't like to lose!

Ryan really loved his cupcake!

Lemon poppy seed with raspberry filling... need I say more!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Day In Bed!

I am so happy to have my dear sister, Tabbitha back from Porto Rico! While Chris finishes up his job there, Ryan and I get the pleasure of having her stay with us! Both Tabbitha and I have been blessed to have wonderful husbands who not only love and adore us but also the sister! Yesterday Tabbitha and I spent all day in bed! We talked, laughed, watched Frasier, ate cheddar bunnies and just enjoyed our day of nothing. Some people would call us lazy and to those people I would say, "Bite me!"

Don't be jealous of our hair, I know it looks good!

We did take a small break from the bed to take a shower! And if your asking yourself, "Are you girls wearing matching shirts?" Well yes, yes we are!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Got Juice!

I got a juicer for Christmas this year and decided to put it to good use this morning! Besides spilling it all over myself at the end, it was big success! here is the recipe if you want to try it at home! 

1 ripe Mango

3 carrots

1 honey crisp apple (my favorite)

3 cuties (you don't have to peal them but it does cut down on the bitter taste!)

mix it all up

and enjoy!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Start!

Well it's a new year and the perfect time to make some goals! As cliche as it is, I really want to get in better shape, which has always been an up hill battle for me! So I thought if I start with baby steps it might be less painful! I realized that one of my biggest problems is that Ryan and I have very different schedules, making it hard to have meals together. And lets face it cooking for one person is not all that fun, matter of fact I hate it! Heck I don't even really enjoy cooking for two people, It's hard! There are very few recipes that allow you to cook for just two. All of our left overs seem to get put into a tupperware, shoved in the back of our fridge, I end up finding  it weeks later, and I have to clean it out wearing a hazmat suite! With that being said I find that I myself am more of a "snacker"! I don't really need to sit down and have a full meal I much rather just grab something out of the fridge or cabinet and eat it. The problem with this, is that things that are easy to grab, are things like...Ice cream, Crackers, fruit snacks, that bag of year old chocolate I keep hidden, well no sense of embarrassing myself any further, you get the idea! So, I decided to make a whole container of healthy snacks that are ready to go!

It all fits cute in my fridge!

Plain Greek yogurt with some Truvia

Cut up mozzarella cheese (much cheaper then buying string cheese)

Black olives

Non-fat cottage cheese


Snow peas, baby carrots, multi-grain crackers, and prunes!