Sunday, January 20, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Oh my gosh, I've done an awful job about blogging lately! Ok well in my defence I've been crazy busy... I know you all are thinking "You just quit your job, what are you doing with all your time!" Well, I will admit that I've been battling with poor time management but I'm trying to get better! I'm also  trying to live the life I want to! Which means being involved in things, keeping a clean house, and trying to cook more! So far I've been doing better about the 'getting involved part!' I have joined BSF which is a Bible study. I love it but it is a huge time commitment. My two best friends Leah and Hannah along with sister Tabbitha, and Leah's sister-in-law Jessica have also started a long distance friends devotional Bible study. Leah, Hannah, and I have also started a new blog called Mothers Mouthful which is a great resource for all moms. I encourage all of you to take a look! As far as the clean house part, well that's an everyday struggle and I really don't want to even think of how hard it's going to be once Bentley is mobile! Cooking... yes I have been doing more of that too however, that just creates another mess so I haven't been doing as much as I'd like to! Plus have you seen the size of my kitchen!?! I don't even know if can call it a kitchen. It's more like a closet with a stove and sink in it! Along with all of that I have to fit in my cuddle time with my baby! Which by the way he is growing so fast it isn't even funny! Its so exciting yet so sad!  Well anyway I must go... I have another post to write for Mothers Mouthful, I need to answer some questions for Bible study, get Bentley's dippers in the wash and unload the dishwasher! But don't worry before I go here are some pictures of the handsome boy from Ryan's Brother's Wedding.

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