Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weeks 18 &19

Another 2 weeks have past in the blink of an eye! Heck the last 19 weeks have past in the blink of an eye! I can hardly believe that in just a few days we will be able to call our little Chicklit a HE or a SHE! A lot of cool things are happening, not only I'm I getting bigger(which I LOVE!) but the baby is moving around so much more. Ryan got to feel kicks for the first time last week. It was so amazing watching his face as he felt our little one moving around! Just this morning after a coconut milk and whey protein smoothie little chicklit started kicking up a storm, 10 kicks in 2 minutes! I guess he/she liked breakfast! I had a doctors appointment last week and everything looks great! We did had a little scare. Since both of my parents have had blood clots the doctor was worried that I might have a blood clotting disorder. Which would resolve in me having to take shots in my stomach everyday for the rest of my pregnancy. Long story short and a 2,000 dollar blood test later... everything came back negative! I've also gained 5lbs during the pregnancy which I'm pretty sure has gone straight to my face but that's ok its worth it, so I've been told!;)



  1. Such a cute bump. I love getting bigger too, it is so much fun! And how have I gained twice as much a you and you are ahead of me??? At the rate I am going I will probably gain 50 lbs :( so hope that makes you feel better about your 5 :)

  2. You are looking so beautiful. Chris and I bought your baby shower gift tonight and I can't wait to give it you!!!!

    Love you Shelby
