Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bentley's Birth Story

Gosh, just thinking about this gets me teary. This was such an amazing and wonderful experience I really could not have asked for a better labor and delivery. It all started Friday the 21st. That morning I woke up thinking, I can't believe I haven't had this baby yet, I thought last night would be the night! Ryan was determined to make this baby come so he told me we were going to walk all day if we had to! We started by going grocery shopping. As I walked up and down the aisles I kept feeling a lot of pressure and pain on my left side. When we got home it continued and although I was not having contractions I called my doctor anyway. He told me to come in, this was at about 11am. The doctor hooked me up to the machine to track my contractions. He also checked me, at that time I was 4cm dilated. I was having a lot of pain on just my left side and he became concerned about a possible kidney stone. He told us to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound done to see if that was the problem and that because I was already 4cm to plan on getting admitted for labor! We were SO excited we went home grabbed our hospital bags and we were on our way! We got there at about noon and then waited for awhile to get the ultrasound done. Everything looked normal, which was good news. Then we had to wait for our doctor to get done at the office so he could say whether or not I should be admitted for labor. That did not happen until about 6:15pm! He finally came and checked me again, I was now 5cm. He then told us that he thought we were going to have a baby sometime soon! So we called our family to let them know they could come over. I was able to take a bath which was very helpful and relaxing. Because I was having an all natural birth I didn't have to be continually monitored so I could move around the room and walk up and down the halls. At 9pm my Doctor checked me again and I was a 6cm. At 11pm I was still at 6cm so we decided to brake my water, which not be weired but I think that is one of the most amazing feelings ever! After that happened my contractions became WAY more intense! I took another bath and bounced on my birth ball and was so ready to be done! The pain was way more then I ever expected it to be but with the support from Ryan, my mom, my sister, and my mother-in-law I was able to get through it! Around 6:00am I really felt like I needed to push, my doctor told me I needed to wait about 30 minutes.  I thought I was going to die if I had to wait that long but I did! Then the time finally came to push and I meant business! I spent 10 minutes pushing and at 6:45am on Saturday September 22, 2012 Bentley Tate was born right on time! weighing in at 8lbs. 1oz. and 21.5 inches long!  They say you forget all the pain you went through once you hold your beautiful baby... I still remember it! It was awful but I wouldn't have done it any other way!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking through these pictures again, and they are so very precious! The last few I see your smiling faces, and Ryan's and your happiness just about jumps off the page. I also think to myself "That's Tara for you, looking just beautiful, right after giving birth." Give that sweet little angel some love for me. Miss and love you!
